What is Live Blood Analysis?


Live blood test and blood analyses

This article describes what a Live Blood Test is, and how practitioners perform live blood testing.

The Facts About Live Blood Analysis

  • Living blood cells are analysed to ascertain the condition, form and health of cells
  • Results captured on-camera (magnified 20,000 times) for immediate viewing on a video monitor
  • A Nutritional Microscopist identifies and explains imbalances, excess toxins and other issues
  • A personalised healthy eating plan is designed and explained

What is a Live Blood Test?

Live Blood Test is the analysis of capillary blood to identify imbalances within the blood.  With the use of a powerful microscope which can magnify up to 20,000 times, a thorough review of the blood sample is made.  From this, a nutritional Microscopist can identify key areas of toxicity in the blood and explain how these imbalances occurred.

Part of the process should include a nutritional plan

A patient will then be designed a personalised and strict nutritional plan that is to be followed for a (specified) period.  If the diet is followed correctly it will result in the blood returning to a healthy balanced state, ultimately bringing the body back to optimum health and general well-being.

Live Blood test process

A small pin-prick of capillary blood is taken from the fingertip and placed on 3 separate slides, one of which is left to coagulate.  Immediately the blood sample is displayed on the video monitor for the client to view, and the consultant will explain what is being seen – it’s as simple as that!

Healthy Eating Plan

Each person’s blood analysis reveals different levels of toxicity so there is no one set eating plan to suit everyone.   Your nutritionist will compile a list of healthy non-acid-forming foods to eat daily.  A  Live Blood Test consultant should provide their clients with an understanding of how to prevent disease by merely correcting the nutritional intake of natural ingredients such as fresh fruit and vegetables.

Returning your body to its correct pH level

The level of pH in a healthy body should be 7.365 – slightly alkaline, and rather like our body temperature, the body will do whatever it can to maintain the 7.365 pH level.  If one overindulges in acidic or unhealthy foods in their diet then the pH level will be lower and thus the body will have to work harder to bring that level back to optimum levels which can cause fatigue and illness.  By eating alkaline-rich foods the pH level will return to balance.

Reasons for Live Blood Analysis

Live blood testing and analysis have not only been used by individuals who have suffered from a myriad of ailments but also by those who wish to detect potential health issues early, thus enabling them to act accordingly and avoid unnecessary illness or discomfort.

Ailments and health conditions that have been seen to benefit from live blood analysis include the following:

  • allergies
  • arthritis
  • joint pain
  • blood pressure
  • cholesterol
  • Crohn’s disease/ IBS
  • eczema, fatigue
  • gout
  • headaches and migraines
  • insomnia
  • menopause
  • parasites
  • skin problems
  • yeast infections
  • weight loss/gain.

Lifestyle Living
Live Blood Test consultants do not profess to cure all ills and always recommend you consult a conventional doctor or specialist with any serious health issues that you have.  They do however offer an alternative and healthy approach to healing your body without invasive treatments, antibiotics or pills.  The only supplements you’ll ingest when following the healthy eating plan will be those created from food products.

Does Live Blood Analysis work, or is it a fad?

There are plenty of live blood testing consultants who swear by it and their patients. There is also a large number of people (including patients) who believe it is nothing more than a fad and quite possibly a con.

Read more on Wikipedia about Live Blood Analysis

Like any medical treatment or advice, it is better to do thorough research and always check with your doctor.


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