Promotional Merchandise Explained


Promotional merchandise gifts

Promotional products are usually gimmicky items emblazoned with a company's logo, given away for free at trade shows, corporate functions and other similar events. Promotional merchandise is usually in the form of basic, useful items such as pens and hats, and is a very effective form of advertising that can lead to more sales and better brand awareness.

What is promotional merchandise?

The most common types of promotional products are items the recipient may hold on to for quite some time, as they're practical and likely to be used often. Pens are probably the most widely used promo items, and as such are one of the most popular choices.

It's not uncommon to opt for more unusual promo products, though – particularly if they're fun or engaging – because they will attract more attention and probably be kept for an extended period. Items such as clocks, radios, small puzzles and games are quirkier choices for promo items and are a lot more memorable than standard items such as bags and hats.


  • 8/10 people who receive promo items can identify the brand
  • Almost half the people who receive promotional merchandise have an improved perception of the brand
  • Up to 6/10 recipients will go on to do business with the brand
  • Promo products are usually kept for around 7 months
  • Highly accurate and error-checked readings
  • Lightweight and portable for easy handling
  • Simple operation
  • Reduces inspection times and costs
  • Promotional items are one of the cheapest, most effective forms of advertising
  • The first impression; branded promotional packaging is given utmost importance.

Why promotional gifts are good for business

One of the most obvious uses of promotional merchandise is to build brand awareness. People who receive a promotional item featuring a logo will be regularly exposed to a brand (if they use the item frequently). Many promotional items are passed around between people, further increasing awareness of the brand, while others – such as clocks and desktop items – will be on constant display in a person's office, once again leading to further (and constant) exposure.

Promo products leading to brand exposure

This regular exposure to a brand means the company represented will be at the forefront of a person's mind, which is incredibly useful if that person decides they need the service offered by the business.

Promotional merchandise has an excellent reach and is particularly useful if it finds its way into the right hands – which they will do if given out at relevant events. Creating promotional gifts is very cost-effective, especially in comparison to traditional advertising methods such as newspaper and magazine spreads (which are disposed of far more quickly than promo products) and so should not be overlooked by companies seeking to boost their marketing efforts.

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