Crème Brûlée Recipe with a Lemon Almond Sable Biscuit

Crème brûlée with a lemon almond sable biscuit
Crème brûlée with a lemon almond sable biscuit

This classic crème brûlée with a lemon sable biscuit is a favourite at The Lantry Manor

Hotel in Bournemouth. It's more suited to a small dinner party or even a romantic Valentine's dinner.


Crème brûlée

  • 275ml Double Cream
  • 25ml Milk
  • 1 Vanilla Pod/ or a dash of Vanilla Essence
  • 3 Free Range Egg Yolks
  • 40g Caster Sugar
  • A Dusting of Icing Sugar

Makes 4

Method for the crème brûlée

  1. Gently heat the milk and cream in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Split the vanilla pod down the long axis with a sharp knife then use the back of the knife to remove the seeds. Place the seeds in the cream and milk, and heat until just boiling (be careful not to allow it to boil over).
  2. Pass the hot cream through a fine sieve to remove the vanilla pod bark this step can be skipped if you use vanilla essence instead.
  3. Add the sugar to the egg yolks and whisk together.  Then slowly add the hot cream while continuously whisking (adding the hot liquid too quickly will cause the egg to scramble).
  4. Pour the egg and cream combination into ceramic ramekins and place in a deep oven tray.  Place the oven tray in a 150C oven and fill it with hot water until it reaches halfway up the ramekins. Cook for 25 to 30 minutes or until mostly set. When you wobble the tray only a small amount of movement in the middle of the brûlée should be visible.  The crème brûlée will continue to set as they cool.
  5. To Finish the Crème Brûlée, lightly dust icing sugar onto the top and place under a grill until golden brown.

Lemon and Almond Sable Biscuit

  • 200g  Soft Unsalted Butter
  • 50g  Icing Sugar
  • 50g Caster Sugar
  •  2  Free Range Egg Yolks
  • 50g Ground Almonds
  • 250g Plain Flour
  • Zest of one Lemon
  • Juice of half a Lemon

Makes 10+

Method for the lemon and almond sable biscuit

  1. Place the butter and the sugar in a mixing bowl, (or use a mixing machine with a panel beater) and beat together until creamy. Add the egg yolks, the lemon zest and the lemon juice and beat in until smooth.
  2. Add the ground almonds and the flour,  beat until smooth and all the flour is fully incorporated into the mixture.
  3. Lightly dust a work surface with flour and turn the mix onto it. Roll the mix out using a lightly floured rolling pin until about half a centimetre thick. Using a cutter of your choice cut the biscuits and place them on an oven tray covered with greaseproof paper.
  4. Bake in a 180c  oven for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown.
  5. To finish lightly dust the top with a little extra caster sugar while they are still warm

Enjoy this Crème Brûlée recipe with a glass of wine or your favourite after-dinner coffee.

Good eating!

Recipe courtesy of The Langtry Manor Hotel in Bournemouth, March 2008.


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