Slendertone Face Review – Slowing Down the Ageing Process


Slendertone Face for women

First released onto the market in September of 2009 Slendertone Face appears to be here to stay as I read the various online reviews of the benefits of using this compact ‘anti-ageing’ device:

  • ‘I can see a little more shape around my cheekbones – it makes me feel good’
  • ‘Women who used Slendertone Face for 12 weeks, 20 minutes a day, five days a week, thought their face looked lifted and more toned, and also thought their skin had a healthy glow’
  • ‘This has improved my skin tone’
  • ‘noticed improvement around the eye area and a little in midface’

Ageing is one of the sure things in life just like death and taxes so if there’s some way to slow down this undesirable process then I for one think utilising this clinically proven invention is worth a try.

The Slendertone Face device

Slendertone women consist of a pocket-sized control panel and compact face unit, available in black and white (presumably black for Slendertone Face for men and white for women), packs of Slendertone sticky gel pads, control panel charger and instruction manual, all presented in stylish moulded packaging.

How to use Slendertone Face

Slendertone Face reviewIt’s simple to use the Slendertone Face once you get the hang of it.  After the initial charging of the control panel device (this only took a couple of hours and the device holds its charge for weeks) with the device turned off one inserts the connection lead from the face unit.

Where to place Slendertone gel pads

  • Stick 1 pair of gel pads on the left and right face paddles and when ready for your treatment place the headset on the face with the paddles sitting just beneath the cheekbones and slightly forward of the ears (they state 1 finger width).  Turn on the devices. It took me some time to get the unit in place for it set off a continuous beeper alarm advising me that the paddles were not contacting the skin correctly.  I made some adjustments and found the correct placement.

Which settings to use for Slendertone Face

  • And so to the treatment.  Once the device is turned on the next step is to choose the program one desires. The options are:
    Lift – 20-minute treatment – the most intense programme, designed for toning the face and firming the muscles.
    Radiance – 10-minute treatment – increases the blood flow to give your face a healthy, radiant glow.
    Massage – 15-minute treatment – great for blood flow, relaxation, and toning.

Choose an intensity level that’s comfortable but still challenging and slowly increase this throughout your Slendertone plan. Set your own goals and increase/decrease the intensity levels as you see fit.

There is a full explanation in the instruction manual on the benefits of each of these categories.

Intensity level for Slendertone

  • When entering the intensity level the device should run at for the chosen program.  I started at around 21 and increased the level as the weeks went by.   One feels a rippling effect of small electrical pulses as the muscles are stimulated by the device.

And that’s it – simple.  I prefer to sit back on the couch and relax as I’m enjoying my facial toning and skin-plumping treatment.

“I don't believe that using Slendertone Face alone will achieve lasting results. It can be used alongside your existing skincare routine for a firm up.”

How do I know when the Slendertone procedure has come to an end?

  • When the cycle has finished the control panel beeps a couple of times to let you know your treatment is completed.  Turn off the device, remove the headset remembering to replace the plastic covers over the sticky gel pads, and return the device to the box.

Slendertone Face results and initial thoughts

I have now been using the Slendertone Face for 4 weeks and have to say that I have noticed a difference in skin tone – my skin seems a little clearer – and certainly, the appearance of fine lines around the eyes and forehead seem to have diminished due to the increase in the plumpness of the skin – this is all a plus for me.  I don’t class myself as a vain person but do take pride in my appearance, and have been concerned about the increase in these fine lines as my years increase!

Second opinion counts

Just to be sure I am not imagining it I ask for a second opinion from my partner, does he notice any difference? Yes is his response, it’s subtle but it’s a visible change. He then reminds me that it is more likely a combination of skincare efforts.

Skincare treatments to use with Slendertone

As my partner pointed out it is more likely a combination of treatments alongside Slendertone Face that has helped my appearance.

Skincare routine

My skincare routine consists of a bimonthly Dermalogica facial and bimonthly Micro-Needling.  Daily, my skincare products of choice are a combination of Dermalogica, Neal's Yard, Kiehl's, and a few drops of rosehip oil. I don't believe that using Slendertone Face alone will achieve lasting results. It can be used alongside your existing skincare routine for a ‘firm up!

Is Slendertone Face worth the price?

Slendertone reviewSo, one may say that £300 seems on the expensive side for a home facial treatment, but when considering the price of a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, or other facial treatment then it translates to mere pennies to fork out on something as important as the care and maintenance of the delicate skin of the face.

I don't think you will see results when used on its own, however, when used in conjunction with other skincare treatments then yes, there is a difference.

The Outcome of using Slendertone

I will continue with Slendertone Face treatments.  I have another week to complete the initial 5 weeks recommended program and then I’ll be down to a twice a weekly regimen.  Just 40 minutes a week to hold back the ageing process a little longer is a small price to pay, and one I’m certainly willing to undertake.

Important notes to consider when using Slendertone Face:

  • Make sure the sticky gel pads cover the entire paddle otherwise, you’ll find you’ll experience an uncomfortable electric current hitting the skin, as I did once during my first week.
  • Remember to replace the plastic covers over the sticky gel pads otherwise they’ll rapidly lose their stickiness
  • One should not use the Slendertone Face device whilst in the bathroom, shower or within proximity to any other body of water.

Where to buy Slendertone Face replacement toner gel pads

Visit their main store on the Slendertone website here >>















  1. I found that my headset cracked after a year. They don’t last long. Poorly made. I’ve been through two headsets and yes I am careful.

  2. That just happened to mine after 6 months and I took it straight back to boots – no probl as I had kept my receipt but They said they had never heard of a break in the headset – so maybe they have to strengthen them

    • I had nine about six months as well and it cracked too. I don’t believe them when they say, never had the problem. You have to be so very, very careful. You see them on qvc fixing them on, and not showing any difficulty or do they highlight the fact that they are not that flexible and could easily break. Since their popularity they’ve gone up in price, a lot!

  3. I have been using Slendertone face unit for almost 6 yrs, while I am delighted with the firmness of my jawline, done very little for jowels. That is not my problem, but what is its the Wrinkles above my mouth, smokers wrinkles, I have never smoked in my life. I am 100% sure it’s my machine. Have tried fillers Botox, to rid this, but fillers last no more than 6-8 weeks quite honestly I can no longer afford this luxury. Please advise me what steps I can next take. I’t’s. getting to be an issue with me. Thankyou.

  4. Alas, this product is no longer made, and there is no replacement product. You can’t even buy spare parts, so if the flimsy headset snaps, it’s junk.

    • Hi B Lugner, You can still buy replacement gel pads for the Slendertone Face. However, the item has been discontinued. I have a feeling this product did not work out very well for them (Slendertone).

  5. Hi,
    Do you know why Slendertone face for women was discontinued?

    You said with a daily skincare routine that uses Dermalogica and other skincare products. Which products are you using?

    Thank you

  6. I just bought new pads for my Slendertone and now I can’t get it to work properly it keeps beeping yet the pads are in place any suggestion as to what is wrong?


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